
This was my first time Kayaking

Monday, July 23, 2012

The rescues

Today Blogger unite for rescue dogs so I need to tell you about some of the great dogs my Dad rescued

 First up is Tonto he was a 10 year old timber wolf left  in a house for about 30 days when the people that had him went to jail. They had seen no need to take of their dogs and left them there to starve. Dad found out about it a came in to save Tonto and two other pups. Well when he got Tonto home he weighed 50 lbs, he was well under weight and very afraid all he did was howled, so dad got on the floor and held him tight and that how they slept all night. The next morning they were best friends. They started on the road to healing and got Tonto back to a healthy weight. The love the two of them shared was what kept Tonto going for another 7 years. He passed away at the age of 17 happy. The other two dogs that were saved that day went on to live healthy lives in their forever homes.

Next on Dads list was Jessie, She came to dad as a puppy that had been severely beaten and burned with cigarettes because the could not house train her at 7 weeks. She was a very hard dog to work with because she was so afraid of people. Dad got to work winning her trust and working on her manors. She was a great dog that learned to overcome her fears and help others. At the young age of 1.5 she passed her visiting pet test and went to work helping sick children overcome their fears. She passed away a few years ago at the age of 13 a happy normal pup.

And now for Tootie my little sister, She came to us at the first of the year from a puppy mill as a breeding dog. She is about 1.5 years old and so full of life. When she was rescued they didn't think she was going to make it through the night. Both of her eyes and ears were infected and she had urine and feces burns on her skin that we are still tiring to clear up. She is very afraid of a lot of thing, the only thing she knew in the first part of her life was a 2x2 cage with a wooden floor. Dad and I have been working hard to help her get better fast. She now loves to play and is beginning to enjoy swimming. Tootie is always is so full of love and wants to learn. Trying to get her past her emotional scares is hard but with time she will do great.

A rescue is so full of love and wants nothing more then to be loved. Though it hard we all need to get involved in changing law and make animals something more then a object. Through all of the pain so rescues go through the still give unconditional love. So if you have a rescue give them a big hug, if not consider going to find one that will fit your life.

Friday, July 20, 2012

A dogs work is never done

 Oh how a dogs work is never done around here! Over the last week dad and I have been working very hard at putting a new pond and waterfall in for our fish friends Fred and George as that lazy Boston Terrier Tootie was in her nice pink bed in the ac sleeping, We started by tearing the old pond out and raising the ground all around by 2 feet. We had to bring a total of 124 wheelbarrow's full of dirt in. After a lot of filling and leveling it was in, boy did I have some sore paws. Today we decided to take it easy and go for a long swim. Tootie quit before I did and decided to lay out in the sun and nap while I played till I was ready to drop Now I think it is time for a long nap I hope everyone has a a great day.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I sit here tonight worried that my daddy john is ok. He seems to be burring himself in a tone of work trying to escape the pain he is in on a regular bases.I almost feel like he is running himself so far into the ground that he will not be able to bounce back. You can see the worry in his face as he tries to get all of the Drs to help him. he tries so hard to help everyone he can but it still is just not enough for him to escape. he is now working hard to put in a new pond for our fish friends and I see it really pushing him to his limit. Then on top of that he has people attacking him for doing the right things, making rude comments about him and his illness, I never knew people could be so inconsiderate about others. My dad is a fights every day to survive, He always tries to do whats right and he always loves Tootie and I with all his heart.I just wish there was a way for me to help dad and make him feel better.I know how hard it is for him to just sit with the pain he is in and I know he fights every day but I also see he is getting very tired of fighting and that scares me a lot. So please keep dad in you thoughts that he will find a way to keep fighting.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Thoughts

Yesterday a good friend of our the writer of Critters galore call dad to say
 thshe had a pup at her house that had escaped from a really bad house in the area. This poor little boy was in such bad shape. He is way under weight has a really bad case of fleas. These people have the nerve to call themselves a dog rescue. the only thing they are doing is harming those poor dogs. But that's all about to change with some help from some friends I think we may have the proof we need to shut them down and save the dogs that are over there.I think it is time we start holding these types of people responsible for the way they treat dogs and cats.  

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The morning

Did you ever notice that thing in the morning are quite different? Some of us get up ready to take on the world while others like Tootie take their time getting up. The other day my dads physical therapist Jodie brought Tootie a nice new bed and well after she gets out of bed she rushes to her fluffy bed near the couch.

n. Well that's ok dad and I get up early and work in the yard. As we were getting ready to start putting the retaining wall in where we are installing the new pond a young male cardinal came down to get a drink .How nice it was to see this sight, As Tootie was sleeping I get to see nature at its finest. Also at this time of the day there is no loud music from the people in the back, just the sound of the birds singing. I love this time of the day seeing the world wake up.    

Monday, July 2, 2012


. Well after a ton of painting we are done with Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs and I must say they look good. We stayed true to Dad's Mom's colors. That was so important to dad. Though it was hard at times for him, I truly enjoyed the stories he told us about her. She was a strong proud lady I wish I would have had the honor to meet her. 
After we cleaned up all of the mess from painting dad went to Lowes to see if he could find some marked down plants and boy did he. We planted one of the flower beds with red and yellow flowers. Dad likes to by marked downed flowers because he says they need a home and with a little extra love the will be extra pretty just like Tootie. We sure have alot of fun doing things together be it a grand adventure or just a day working in the yard it really does not matter as long as we are together as a family I sure am one lucky Boston Terrior...................Have a great night  

Sunday, July 1, 2012

all work and no play

The old saying all work and no play makes Butch a dull boy is so true

. So we set out to do some more yard work and then spent about a hour in the pool. The last few days have been very very busy. We have 6 of the 7 dwarfs done and some of snow white. We also put a sealer on them to protect them from the sun. Then we cleaned the decking around the pool and cleaned all of the flower pots. Dad is going to Lowes to see if he can get some marked down flowers for the pots. Hmm I think dad might be up to somthing like maybe a cookout he sure seems to be tring to get alot done. Well I gusses I will just keep helping him out and we will see what happens.After all the work we spent the next hour playing in the pool, even Tootie had fun splashing around,she is getting really good. After swimming we sat back in the chair to admire all of the great work we have done. Now  I think it is time for a nap, and remember to take time to play so you will not  become dull.